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hello, everyone! i'm your guide he yizhen. you can call me xiao he. it's agreat honor to visit the great wall with you.

from a distance, the great wall looks like a huge and incomparable dragon.a close look at the great wall shows no end at all. standing on the great wall,beacon towers stand on the great wall, like a tumbler that will never fall.

the great wall is also an important defense project in ancient times. thegreat wall was built in the state of yan. now it has a history of more than 20__years!

there is also a touching legend about the great wall. when building thegreat wall, except for the old people over 60 years old, all the other youngpeople have to build the great wall. fan xiliang, a suzhou scholar, had to hidearound in order to escape the pursuit of the government.

once, he fled to the garden of meng family and met meng jiangnu byaccident. meng jiangnu is a smart and beautiful girl. she and her parents hidfan xiliang together. the two old men liked fan xiliang very much, so theybetrothed meng jiangnu to him as his wife. however, people have misfortunes andfortunes, and there are unexpected events. within three days of the wedding, fanxiliang was captured by the officers and soldiers. later, meng jiangnu came allthe way to the great wall to find her husband. unexpectedly, the migrant workerstold her that fan xiliang was dead. she cried at the foot of the great wall. idon't know how long she cried. she only heard "boom" and the great wall fellseveral kilometers.

passengers, please don't litter or scribble on the bricks. we'll meet atthe gate at seven.


dear tourist friends: hello, i'm xiao yu, today's tour guide. please callme yu dao. "in the hot summer, guiyang is the best summer resort." how can wemiss huangguoshu waterfall when we come to guiyang? today we will take a bus tohuangguoshu waterfall, which is 150 kilometers away from guiyang.

huangguoshu waterfall, located on the baishui river in zhenning buyi andmiao autonomous county, anshun city, guizhou province, is the largest waterfallin china. xu xiake, a famous traveler of the ming dynasty, traveled all over theworld and found this treasure land: "when you dig out pearls and collapse jade,the droplets are surging back like smoke and mist, which is very powerful." wecan see how magnificent huangguoshu waterfall is.

ladies and gentlemen, please follow me when you get off. now we can't seethe waterfall across the forest, but we have heard the sound of "hua hua". doesit sound like thunder rolling? as we get closer, the sound of the waterfall isgetting louder and louder. do you feel that the land under your feet is shakingslightly?

this is the best place to see the panoramic view of huangguoshu waterfall.you can see from the direction of sound, huangguoshu waterfall is in front. thewhole waterfall is 77.8 meters high and 101 meters wide. look, the waterfallfalls down into the pool, hits the big rocks, splashes snow-white water, we canfeel the thin water mist floating in the air, everything around seems to becomefaint.

down the stone ladder, we came to the bottom of huangguoshu waterfall.looking up, huangguoshu waterfall looks like a natural white curtain. thefalling water quickly flows to the rhinoceros beach below. look, there is arainbow on rhinoceros beach, which is enveloping the waterfall and giving it acolorful halo. the sunlight refracts on the rainbow again, making rhinocerosbeach colorful and dazzling.

there is a hole behind the waterfall, which is the shooting site ofshuilian cave in the famous movie journey to the west. the cave is narrow andcan only accommodate one person. be careful of the pillars on the ceiling. don'tlet him kiss your head. there are six windows in the water curtain cave. throughthese natural "skylights", you can see the waterfall from the inside, which isanother scene: the waterfalls are like water curtains, shielding the externalthings without leaving any gaps. don't stick your head out of the hole. becareful that the water above will make you cool.

huangguoshu waterfall is a masterpiece of nature. it is also the onlywaterfall in the world that can be viewed from up, down, front, back, left andright. "xitan water waterfall hanging cliff yang, snow high water hundredsearch." what's your impression of the beautiful huangguoshu waterfall? welcometo leave a message for xiaoyu. well, today's trip to huangguoshu falls is over.i wish you a happy journey!


welcome to nanning, guangxi. i'm the tour guide of this happy beihai silverbeach tour. my name is liu. you can call me xiao liu. next to me is our driver--- master zhang. master zhang is a teacher with ten years of drivingexperience. it's safe to drive. we are very honored to serve you. if you haveany questions and difficulties during this trip, you can ask xiao liu for help.similarly, we hope you can support our work. thank you. i wish you a happy tripin advance!

now our coach is heading for beihai silver beach, a famous tourist resort.during this time, i'd like to introduce the general situation of beihai silverbeach.

beihai is located in the south of beihai peninsula, southeast of beihaicity, about 10 kilometers away from the city center. beihai yintan wasoriginally called "baihutou beach" and "longhu yintan", but these folkcharacters seem to be more vulgar, so beihai municipal people's government laterchose the name "beihai yintan". the name "beihai" points out the location, andthe word "yintan" is also elegant. because the silica content of the sand in thesilver beach is very high, in the sun, it will show a silver white, silverglittering, it is appropriate to call it "silver beach". on november 23, 1990,comrade jiang zemin inspected beihai and toured this beach, which was highlyappraised. in 1991, it was officially opened to the outside world. in 1995, itwas rated as one of the 35 "scenic spots" in china and the united states. in20__, it was rated as the national 4a scenic spot.

such a large area of seashore silver beach as beihai silver beach is rare.wan li, former chairman of the standing committee of the national people'scongress, called it the "china beach". yang shangkun, former president of thestate council, praised it as the "world beach". zhu rongji, former premier ofthe state council, praised it as "rare in the world, only in china".

so, why has yintan gained so much reputation? its characteristics can besummarized as "long flat beach, gentle slope, fine white sand, calm water, softwaves and no shark". as for this feature, our tourist friends can personallyexperience and check whether this feature is right.

now our car comes to the beach park, a functional area of the resort.please follow me out of the car and watch the giant stainless steel spheresculpture of "asia" -- "tide". remember to take valuables and things you needwith you.

in front of us, there is a big round sculpture, which is the big musicfountain sculpture in asia - "tide". you have 20 minutes to watch and takephotos. after 20 minutes, we will continue to the next functional area.











ladies and gentlemen:

everybody is good! i am the guide from the dunhuang mogao grottoes day trip, my name is chen, you can call me chen guide! your eyes is the mogao grottoes, want to know what kind of mogao grottoes is? to listen to me slowly.

the mogao grottoes, located in the southeast of dunhuang city, about 25 kilometers away from the city, 'spoilers wat to open in china east cliff. it is china's largest classical art treasure, it is a center of buddhist art.

number of tourists, cave 492, more than 20xx statues statue, 33 meters, the largest minimum only 10 centimeters. so, the most famous statue in the mogao grottoes.

if the total area of 45000 square meters, the mural to arrange all the paintings, there are 30 kilometers long. if say the mogao grottoes of dunhuang is famous the world, so, make the mogao grottoes is famous for its first these murals, is traveling to visit.

visitors, you know? the mogao grottoes built yu dongjin taihe (ad 366) of the first year. legend named le statue of the parties to this place, suddenly see golden light shine, there appeared thousand buddhas, think this is the buddhist holy land, hence around fundraising, laid the first grotto. after news spreads, business errands in succession in this build grottoes, in order to a safe journey. so until the yuan dynasty, through more than 1000 years.

the mogao grottoes in 1987 unesco world cultural heritage, is the most key cultural relics protection.

okay, now i introduce to here, please walk. can't throw the peel and other trash, graffito of the scribble on the murals, to protect cultural relics.

thank you very much!


everybody is good! welcome to the palace museum, i'm glad to serve you, i am the guide from this journey all korean an inscription, everyone call me korean guide line. today i accompanied him you have a good time.

now, you have came to the forbidden city, which is located in the centre of beijing by bus. 24 emperors lived here, is the imperial palace during the ming and qing dynasties, it is the palace museum. the palace the whole building magnificent and solemn gorgeous, whether plane layout, magnificent mountains, in the form of the 3 d effect still is incomparable masterpiece.

let's watch the center axis of the palace! the central axis in the central axis of beijing city. after the three main halls, palace, imperial garden is located in the central axis. on both sides of central axis of the palace, but also with many house, grand magnificent.

looking at central axis, art treasures museum! some of the forbidden city palace the establishment of a comprehensive history museum of art, painting, pavilion pavilion, classification of ceramics, bronze, engraved hall, toys, craft art gallery in the ming and qing dynasties, pavilion, four treasures of the study hall, pride, watches and clocks, and judgments of clear acting palace relics exhibition, collect a large number of ancient art treasures. according to statistics, there are 102653, including many cultural relics are unique priceless.

even the palace of the four corner, every angle has 18 column seventy-two liras turrets, there is a legend about turrets. one day, the emperor yongle let ministers in the forbidden city on the four horns of building a nine beam column 10 seventy-two liras, baffled ministers to it. one day, a carpenter saw a des sauterelles cage, very strange, feel cage went up and took a look, a number, that's nine beam column seventy-two liras ten! the carpenter immediately to the secretary. from then on, they left such turrets.

dear visitors, our today's tour end, right now, today's explanation to me, you are welcome to put forward opinions and suggestions, i am thankful. finally, i wish you all have fun! thank you!


tian’anmen( the gate of heavenly peace), is located in the center ofbeijing. it was first built in 1417 and named chengtianmen( the gate of heavenlysuccession). at the end of the ming dynasty, it was seriously damaged by war.when it was rebuilt under the qing in 1651, it was renamed tian’anmen, andserved as the main entrance to the imperial city, the administrative andresidential quarters for court officials and retainers. the southern sections ofthe imperial city wall still stand on both sides of the gate. the tower at thetop of the gate is nine-room wide and five –room deep. according to the book ofchanges, the two numbers nine and five, when combined, symbolize the supremestatus of a sovereign.

during the ming and qing dynasties, tian’anmen was the place where stateceremonies took place. the most important one of them was the issuing ofimperial edicts, which followed these steps:

1) the minister of rites would receive the edict in taihedian( hall ofsupreme harmony), where the emperor was holding his court. the minister wouldthen carry the decree on a yunpan( tray of cloud), and withdraw from the hallvia taihemen( gate of supreme harmony)

2) the minister would put the tray in a miniature longting( dragonpavilion). beneath a yellow umbrella and carry it via wumen( meridian gate), totian’anmen gate tower.

3) a courtier would be invested to proclaim the edict. the civil andmilitary officials lining both sides of the gateway beneath the tower wouldprostrate themselves in the direction of the emperor in waiting for the decreeto the proclaimed.

4) the courtier would then put the edict in a phoenix-shaped wooden box andlower it from the tower by means of a silk cord. the document would finally becarried in a similar tray of cloud under a yellow umbrella to the ministry ofrites.

5) the edict, copied on yellow paper, would be made known to the wholecountry.

such a process was historically recorded as “ imperial edict issued bygolden phoenix”.

during the ming and qing dynasties tian’anmen was the most importantpassage. it was this gate that the emperor and his retinue would go through ontheir way to the altars for ritual and religious activities.

on the westside of tian’anmen stands zhongshanpark( dr. sun yat-sen’spark), and on the east side, the working people’s cultural palave. the park wasformerly called shejitan( altar of land and grain), built in 1420 for offeringsacrificial items to the god of land. it was opened to the public as a park in1914 and its name was changed in 1928 to the present one in memory of the greatpioneer of the chinese democratic revolution.

the working people’s cultural palace used to be taimiao( the supremeancestral temple), where tablets of the deceased dynastic rulers were kept.

the stream in front of tian’anmen is called waijinshuihe( outer goldenriver),with seven marble bridges spanning over it . of these sevenbridges,historical records say the middle one was for the exclusive use of theemperor and was accordingly called yuluqiao( imperial bridge). the bridgesflanking it on either side were meant for the members of the royal family andwere therefore called wanggongqiao( royal’s bridges). farther away on each sideof the two were bridges for officials ranking above the third order and werenamed pinjiqiao( ministerial bridges). the remaining two bridges were for theuse by the retinue below the third order and wre called gongshengqiao( commonbridges). they anr the one in front of the supreme ancestral temple to the eastand the one in front of the altar of land and grain to the west.

the two stone lions by the gate of tian’anmen, one on each side were meantas sentries. they gaze toward the middle axis, guarding the emperor’s walkway.in front of the gate stands a pair of marble columns called huabiao. they areelaborately cut in bas-relief following the pattern of a legendary dragon.behind the gate stands another pair of similar columns. the story of huabiao maybe traced to a couple of sources. one of the versions accredits its invention toone of the chinese sage kings named yao, who was said to have set up a woodenpillar in order to allow the ordinary people to expose evil-doers, hence it wasoriginally called a slander pillar. later it ws reduced to a signpost, and nowit serves as an ornament.

the beast sitting on the top of the column is called” hou”, a legendaryanimal, which is said to have been a watcher of an emperor’s behaviour. he wasdoing such duties as warning the emperor against staying too long outside thepalace or indulging in pleasure and urging him to go to the people for theircomplaints or return in due time. therefore, the two pairs of beasts were giventhe names” wangjunhui”( expecting the emperor’s coming back) and “ wangjunchu”(expecting the emperor’s going out) respectinvely.

in the old days, tian’anmen, as a part of the imperial city, was meant forimportant occasions. the two rows of chaofang( antechamber), on the sides behindthe main gate, wre reserved for civil and military members of the governmentwaiting for imperial audience and in front of the gate, were offices of imperialadministration.

on october 1, 1949, chairman mao zedong proclaimed on tian’anmen rostrumthe founding of the people’s republic of china. since then tian’anmen has beenthe symbol of new chine\a. chairman mao’s portrait is hung above the centralentrance, flanked by two slogans:” long live the great unity of the peoples ofthe world”. today , the splendour of tian’anmen attracts million of visitorsfrom all over the world. the rostrum on its top was opened in 1988 to the publicfor the first time in its history. it offers a panoramic view of the square andthe city proper.

tian’anmen square

situated due south of tian’anmen, the square has an area of 44 hectares(109 acres) that can accommodate as many as one million people for publicgatherings. it has witnessed may historical events in china’s modern history andis a place for celebrations on such festive days as international labour day onmay 1st and national day on october 1st.

around the square are several famous buildings:

1 the great hall of the people

this is one of the largest congressional buildings in the world. built in1959, the hall consists of three parts: a 10,000-seat auditorium in the center,a banquet hall in the north wing facing chang’an street, with a seating capacityof 5,000, and offices for the standing committee of the national peoples’congress of china in the south. in addition, thirty-four reception chambers arenamed after various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directlyunde the central government, plus hong kong and macao. each is different fromthe other in decoration and furnishings to stress their local features.

2 the museum of chinese history and the museum of the chineserevolution

these two museums were also built in 1959. the museum of chinese historyhouses a permanent exhibition in four parts, covering the entire process ofchinese history spanning from 1.7 million years ago to 1919:

1) the primitive society( 1.7 million years ago to the 21st centurybc);

2) the slave society(21st century bc to 476 bc.);

3) the feudal society(475 bc. to 1840 ad.);

4) the semi-colonial and semi- fedual society(1840 to 1919.)

the museum of the chinese revolution covers the period from 1919 to1949.

3 the monument to the people’s heroes

the monument was built in memory of thousands of martyrs who died for therevolutionary cause of the chinese people. its construction began on august 1,1952 and was not completed until 1958. in the form of an obelisk, the monumentas made of more than 17,000 pieces of tranite and white marble. the purple pieceinlaid in the front of the monument was brought from qingdao, shandong province.it is 38 meters(124ft 8 in) high, the loftiest of its kind ever seen in thecountry. not only is it an historic memorial for immortal heroes, but also it isan artistic work of excellent architectural value.

on the front side of the monument is an engraved inscription in chinesecharacters written by chairman mao zedong, which reads” eternal glory to thepeople’s heroes!”. on the back of the monument is an article written by chairmanmao, but in chinese calligraphy by the late premier zhou enlai.

at the top of the monument are eight gigantic carved wreathes of suchflowers as peony, lotus and chrysanthemum, symbolizing nobility, purity, andfortitude. at the base of the monument are eight marble reliefs depicting thechinese historic events since 1840. they are:

1) the burning of opium in 1840:

2) the uprising of 1851 in jintian, guangxi;

3) the revolution of 1911;

4) the may fourth movement of 1919;

5) the may 30th movement of 1925;

6) the uprising of 1927 in nanchang, jiangxi;

7) the war of resistance against japanese aggression from 1937 to 1945;

8) the victorious crossing over the yangtze river by the peoples’sliberation army in 1949. this relief is flanked by two smaller ones—“ supplyingthe front” and “ greeting the p.l.a.”.

4 chairman mao’s mausoleum

chairman mao zedong, the founder of the people’s pepublic of china, passedaway on sepember 9, 1976. in commemoration of this great man, a mausoleum beganto be constructed in november 1976, and was completes in august the followingyear. the mausoleum was officially opened on september 9, 1977.

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
