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hello! my name is chen danqing. my english name is joy. i'm 14 years old. i'm a happy girl. i have a happy family. my father and my mother are both office workers. they're busy. but at weekends, they always cook nice food for me. i'm happy in the family. i love my parents and they love me very much.

i'm a student at dongzhou middle school. it is very big and beautiful. there are many classroom buildings and office buildings. besides the buildings, there is a big playground. after school, there are lots of boys playing basketball on it. i think they are happy. there are a lot of flowers and trees in my school. they are beautiful. i like my school. in my school, i have many friends. all my friends are polite and helpful. my friends are all nice to me. they can make me happy. so i like playing with them.

my hobbies are listening to music and reading. i like pop music very much. i dislike sports because i'm not strong. it's hard for me.

i have a happy family, a beautiful school and many nice friends. i enjoy every day.


i felt like a fool. he then went on to say, joe, itsquo;s always appropriate to question another mansquo;s judgment, but never appropriate to question his motives because you simply don't know his motives.

it happened early in my career fortunately. from that moment on, i tried to look past the caricatures of my colleagues and try to see the whole person. never once have i questioned another mansquo;s or womansquo;s motive. and something started to change. if you notice, every time theresquo;s a crisis in the congress the last eight years, i get sent to the hill to deal with it. itsquo;s because every one of those men and women up there -- whether they like me or not -- know that i don't judge them for what i think they're thinking.

because when you question a mansquo;s motive, when you say they're acting out of greed, they're in the pocket of an interest group, et cetera, itsquo;s awful hard to reach consensus. itsquo;s awful hard having to reach across the table and shake hands. no matter how bitterly you disagree, though, it is always possible if you question judgment and not motive.

senator helms and i continued to have profound political differences, but early on we both became the most powerful members of the senate running the foreign relations committee, as chairmen and ranking members. but something happened, the mutual defensiveness began to dissipate. and as a result, we began to be able to work together in the interests of the country. and as chairman and ranking member, we passed some of the most significant legislation passed in the last 40 years.

























theresquo;s no silver bullet, no single formula, no reductive list. but they all seem to understand that happiness and success result from an accumulation of thousands of little things built on character, all of which have certain common features in my observation.

first, the most successful and happiest people isquo;ve known understand that a good life at its core is about being personal. itsquo;s about being engaged. itsquo;s about being there for a friend or a colleague when they're injured or in an accident, remembering the birthdays, congratulating them on their marriage, celebrating the birth of their child. itsquo;s about being available to them when they're going through personal loss. itsquo;s about loving someone more than yourself, as one of your speakers have already mentioned. it all seems to get down to being personal.

that's the stuff that fosters relationships. itsquo;s the only way to breed trust in everything you do in your life.

let me give you an example. after only four months in the united states senate, as a 30-year-old kid, i was walking through the senate floor to go to a meeting with majority leader mike mansfield. and i witnessed another newly elected senator, the extremely conservative jesse helms, excoriating ted kennedy and bob dole for promoting the precursor of the americans with disabilities act. but i had to see the leader, so i kept walking.


isquo;ve been lucky. and my wish for all of you is that not only tomorrow, but 20 and 40 and 50 years from now, yousquo;ve found that sweet spot, that thing that allows you to get up in the morning, put both feet on the floor, go out and pursue what you love, and think it still matters.

some of you will go to silicon valley and make great contributions to empower individuals and societies and maybe even design a life-changing app, like how to unsubscribe to obama for america email list -- (laughter) -- the biggest pan-list of all times.

some of you will go to wall street and big wall street law firms, government and activism, peace corps, teach for america. yousquo;ll become doctors, researchers, journalists, artists, actors, musicians. two of you -— one of whom was one of my former interns in the white house, sam cohen, and andrew heymann —- will be commissioned in the united states navy. congratulations, gentlemen. we're proud of you. (applause.)

but all of you have one thing in common you will all seek to find that sweet spot that satisfies your ambition and success and happiness.

isquo;ve met an awful lot of people in my career. and isquo;ve noticed one thing, those who are the most successful and the happiest -- whether theysquo;re working on wall street or main street, as a doctor or nurse, or as a lawyer, or a social worker, isquo;ve made certain basic observation about the ones who from my observation wherever they were in the world were able to find that sweet spot between success and happiness. those who balance life and career, who find purpose and fulfillment, and where ambition leads them.


as time passes by, were going to say goodbye now. although it the moment everybody doesnt want, but we have to face it. weve already stayed together for three whole years, and it must be the most unforgettable time in my life. first of all, thanks a lot for my teachers help. ive improved a lot in every aspect. secondly, thanks for all of my dear classmates. youve provide me with happiness and excitement whenever youre around me. ill never forget you all!

during the whole three years study, ive learned a great deal of knowledge. being with you, i understand the true meaning of friendship, happiness, and so on. its the most precious treasure in the rest of my life. as a student, i have my own plans. im going to a good high school, and i hope i can go to one of the key universities in china. i will also go abroad if possible. in a word ,whatever i do, ill be beneficial to the development of our great motherland!



the good news is the way to clean up the pollution can be found in [the] three words written on the cover of your diploma. itsquo;s the motto of this great university: squo;per veritatem vissquo; (strength through truth). and itsquo;s a motto that fits perfectly with a university named for george washington.

in 1794, during president washingtonsquo;s second term, there was a faction ginning up support for secession. washington recognized the threat it was…threat it posed – and he was confident that it would not succeed. he wrote in a letter, and i quote, squo;it is not difficult by concealment of some facts, and exaggeration of others to bias a well-meaning mind, at least for a while.squo;

but, he continued, squo;truth will ultimately prevail where pains is taken to bring it to light.squo;

now, i know the phrase squo;pains is takensquo; probably just horrified every english major here. as kids, we were taught that washington never told a lie, but they never told us he had trouble with subject-verb agreements.

















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