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it seems that the fame of outstanding figures is due to some stroke of luck. throughout history, some famous people always have admired opportunities that lead to success. in daily life, some “lucky dogs”(幸运儿) never lack chances in their turning points. in fact, opportunities may come to everyone now and then.

however, it is a pity that most people fail to seize opportunitiesg why Ⅱopportunities “prefer” those who are prepared to grab. without a ready mind, admired opportunities may slip through one’s fingers.

in my view, without diligence, willpower and continual efforts, opportunities are groundless talk. to be qualified for success, people should be equipped with necessary skills, rich experience and abundant knowledge besides numerous unusual qualities (素质)。 in a word, opportunities are only catalyst (催化剂) of success, but not precondition (先决条件) of success.


dear peter,

how’s everything going? i’m li hua, writing to invite you to attend a tai chi class held by our sports club.

tai chi, originated in china, enjoys great popularity. anyone, regardless of age or level of fitness, can practice and benefit from tai chi. practicing tai chi, you will feel mentally and physically relaxed with the harmonious movements. i’m sure you will develop a great interest in this gentle exercise. the class starts between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. every monday in our school gym next month. the closing date for entries is next tuesday. please let me know if you want to sign your name.

looking forward to your early reply. (111 words)


li hua


a pet is all animal which is raised or kept by people as a companion. in recent years, more and more people, old or young, rich or poor, like to keep a pet such as a dog, a cat, a monkey and so on. pets are loved by people. they not only are good friends to their masters but also become members of the family. although they are not human beings, their behavior sometimes is better than the human beings, for they always remain obedient and loyal to the master. there are many stories in which we are told that a pet saved his or her master's life or even traveled thousands of miles to return home. this makes them more lovely. moreover, trained pets are very helpful. for instance, a trained dog can help the blind to walk and a trained pig can even find out drugs from the imports goods. but pets are sometimes trouble-makers. some pets such as dogs or snakes may attack people unexpectedly. a lot of people become ill or get infected because of the virus carried hy their pets. and some pets are dirty and poisonous. therefore, we do not advocate keeping pets.


when you ask children what do they want to be in the future, then they will tell you about their dreams. they want to be the stars, the scientists or they have the other great dreams. it is natural that the children are educated to make a difference when they grow up, it seems that they will be failing if they become ordinary. in my opinion, ordinary is the best. when people make a difference, they must have to make a sacrifice. take the stars for example. though they have the fame and money, they donsquo;t have much private time, they need to work all the years. but being the ordinary one, we can have the time to enjoy life and do what we want. ordinary life is the perfect life. we can accompany our families and visit them all the time. it is very precious.



when students are going to high school, they are under great pressure, because their main goal is to enter the college, so they need to work so hard. the school will test them so often that they want to get the best scores. cheating on the exams is many students’ choice, as they could not do well on the exam, so they want to find the confidence by getting the high marks. other students even buy the exam answers, what they do is totally wrong. frist, it will cost students a lot of money on buying the answer, it refers to spend their parents’ money, it is not easy to earn money. second, the answers that students buy are not accurate all the time, most of the answers are wrong, students are easy to get cheated. students should work hard to improve their study.


today many college students have their own hobbies. for example, some of them like singing; some of them enjoy playing the guitar; some of them are keen on painting; some of them are crazy about taking photos, and so on.


i think it’s meaning for college students to have hobbies, because hobbies can benefit them a lot. on one hand, after a long-time study, hobbies can make them feel relaxed. on the other hand, when they feel depressed, hobbies can bring them happiness. furthermore, hobbies can mould their temperament as well as show their characteristics.


however, some students are so addicted to their hobbies that they spend less time on study. how foolish of them to do so! in my view, if we focus too much on one thing, either our studies or hobbies will be badly affected. thus, we are supposed to balance them in a proper way.



were i three years younger than i am now, i would strongly recommend that i set more practical and specific goals. as an old saying goes, living without a clear and achievable aim is like sailing without a compass. compared with many abstract objectives, practical ones can bring us more courage and confidence whenever we make one step forward. if only i could go back and reset my goals.



根据下列提示,写一篇 100 词左右的日记。

今天是二○○二年三月十八日,星期天,天气晴朗。由二十多名澳大利亚中学生组成的访问团来你校参观。你和同学们于八点二十分在校门口集合,列队欢迎来访的澳大利亚学生。八点半你带客人到接待室( reception room )并举行联欢会( get-together )。十点钟你带领客人参观图书馆、实验室和校办工厂。十一点半和客人一起在学校食堂共进午餐,并互赠礼物,客人于下午一点半离开学校。

wednesday march 18th, 20xx fine

this morning, over twenty australian middle school students came to our school for a visit. my classmates and i gathered at the school gate at 8:20 and gave them a warm welcome. then i took them to the reception room and we had a get-together there. at ten o'clock, we showed them around our library, our lab and the school factory. at half past eleven, we had lunch with the australian students in the school dining-hall and then gave presents to each other. time passed quickly and soon it was half past one in the afternoon. we had to say good-bye to each other.

never shall i forget the day –––– march 18th.

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
